Administrative / Office Assistant

Full Time
Mid Level

The job description for an Administrative Assistant in a recruitment agency typically includes a combination of administrative tasks and support functions specific to the recruitment industry. Here are some common responsibilities associated with this role:

  1. Administrative Support: Providing general administrative support to the recruitment team, including managing calendars, scheduling meetings, and handling correspondence (phone calls, emails, etc.).

  2. Candidate Database Management: Maintaining and updating the candidate database or applicant tracking system (ATS) with accurate and relevant candidate information. Ensuring data integrity, organizing candidate profiles, and conducting regular database maintenance.

  3. Job Posting and Advertising: Assisting in the creation and posting of job advertisements on various platforms, including job boards, company websites, and social media. Ensuring job postings are accurate and well-presented to attract potential candidates.

  4. Candidate Screening and Pre-Qualification: Assisting recruiters in screening resumes and applications, conducting initial phone screenings, and assessing candidates' qualifications and suitability for specific job openings.

  5. Interview Coordination: Scheduling interviews between candidates and recruiters/hiring managers, managing interview calendars, and coordinating logistics such as interview rooms, video conferences, or travel arrangements when necessary.

  6. Reference Checks and Background Verification: Assisting with conducting reference checks and background verifications for candidates to ensure their credentials and qualifications meet the required standards.

  7. Documentation and Recordkeeping: Maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of candidate information, interview notes, and other recruitment-related documentation. Ensuring compliance with data protection and privacy regulations.

  8. Communication and Correspondence: Serving as a point of contact for candidates, responding to inquiries, and providing updates on application status. Also, coordinating communication between candidates, recruiters, and clients.

  9. Recruitment Event Coordination: Assisting in the organization and coordination of recruitment events such as job fairs, career expos, and information sessions. Handling logistical aspects, including venue bookings, marketing materials, and attendee registrations.


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